The Frank Theatre – The Pink Line

Poster designed by Addon Creative for "The Pink Line" by The Frank Theatre

What’s it like being a person of colour and being queer in a community where whiteness and queerness are synonymous? Where do you fit when your black hair and brown body mark you out as alone in a sea of fairer limbs and blonde undercuts? What does chosen family look like, when no one in your chosen family looks like you, or can’t speak your language, or cook your food? How do you love when who you love is kinda… racist?

The Pink Line is a funny and probing new performance exploring racism in Vancouver’s queer community, collectively created by Jotika Chaudhary, Jahanzeb Kazi, Dora Ng, Anoushka Ratnarajah and Johnny Wu, guided by Fay Nass and C. E. Gatchalian. We will explore notions of home, feelings of isolation, and delve into our heartfelt and hilarious stories about our families as queer folks of colour. Prepare yourself for honesty, laughter and theatrical magic.

Created and performed by Jotika Chaudhary, Jahanzeb Kazi, Dora Ng, Anoushka Ratnarajah and Johnny Wu
Facilitated by Fay Nass and C. E. Gatchalian
Directed by Fay Nass
Creative Consultant: Jonathan Seinen