To Blog or Not to Blog; That is the Question

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous opinions, or to take arms against a sea of conspiracy theories and by opposing, end them.

Navigating through the quagmire of blog content can be daunting, misleading and downright depressing. How can the average person tell the difference between an honest business selling their product or a charlatan trying to dupe the less wary?

Do blogs still have value and what can be said that hasn’t already been said a million times before? Combine this conundrum with my natural reluctance as a visual communicator to write words rather than show images — the pressure is great.

Nonetheless, as a graphic designer, I do have ideas and content to share, and more importantly, I don’t want to be accused of not taking the blogging thing seriously enough. What can I say? I always adhered to a picture is worth a thousand words. But, at Addon Creative, we strive for excellence — at the very least you’ll get a better sense of how we think.

So, be on the lookout for such ponderings, like Christmas-time, they are a-coming. I also welcome your ideas for topics. Feel free to email Some ideas that have my creative blogging fingers tapping include:

  • what to look for in a graphic designer
  • understanding the power of exceptional design
  • save time a money by asking the right questions of your designer
  • who says you can’t design in MS Word
  • how to buck design trends and still be relevant by today’s standards
  • the customer journey – how exceptional design can guide them to where they want to be