
Many design firms tell you what they can do. addon creative has a different approach: we ask what you need. And then we deliver it.

Sounds obvious, right? But we’ve all heard horror stories of design projects that end up showcasing the designer rather than serving the client. The folks at addon creative aren’t out to win awards (although we do!) Our only concern is giving our clients what they need to meet their goals. We do this in a friendly, professional manner that always puts our clients’ needs first.

Add on as much DIALOGUE as you need

Some clients come to us with a clear vision of their goals.  Other times, more dialogue is required – especially if a client is a new business or hasn’t used a design firm before. If you’re not clear about what your goals are, we’ll help you figure them out. We ask the right questions. And we listen carefully. “Ask, Listen, Clarify” is one of our mantras. (Our other mantra is “Om” – after all, we are located on the coast of super natural British Columbia.) If you do know exactly what you want, then we don’t need to spend a lot of time talking about it. But we will ask a few key questions to make sure that we know exactly what you want.

Add on as much TALENT as you want

addon creative is a virtual collective of independently operating design and communications associates. This structure was conceived to be nimble and allows us to offer our clients a wider range of marketing services. It also allows us to draw upon the talent and expertise of people we know, trust, and enjoy working with. A lack of overhead allows us to keep costs down. You’re paying for our services, not for office space or unnecessary layers of management.

We encourage you to choose who you’d like to work with based on your particular needs. Like our name says, you “add on” exactly what you want. If you’re not sure, we’re happy consult with you and then assemble the right team to deliver your design and communications material. Our aim is to always exceed expectations – and always within your specified budget. If your project can be handled by a single associate, you may be able to work directly with that person, saving you time and money. And that’s an added bonus.

Add on as much COLLABORATION as you like

How involved should clients be in the design process? Some design firms would answer “as little as possible”. Our answer is “as involved as they want to be”.

Much of the work we do is with small business owners and marketing teams or managers for non-profits, arts, education, and health organizations.

Sometimes key players like to have a hands-on approach. They may want to be involved in developing a strategy, and they prefer to see the creative process as it unfolds. We encourage that kind of involvement. After all, clients know their audience and goals the best, and they have the most invested in the project. Plus, we find that collaborating with clients often produces great results. Once trust is established, clients will often step back and let us do what they’ve hired us for: our creative thinking and meticulous production of the work. As is often the case with busy people, they let go and let us do what we’re good at. And of course, there are always those clients who hire us and immediately let us do our thing. That’s nice too.